The Pear in Paper

Lynn Costello Erskine brings centuries-old print practices and makes it work in a modern world with her eco-friendly range of letterpress and linoprint products. Lynn combines her background in environmental management with her love of print. All work is completed as it was decades and indeed, centuries ago with the help of ‘Florrie’ (the affectionate name given to a rescued and restored treadle-based letterpress platen dat- ing from 1872). Lynn recently added another restored flatbed press that again is operated manually. All materials and processes have sustainable and environmental practices at their core, from tree-free paper to ink selection through to biodegradable packaging. Please call in to see the range of letterpress and linoprint products plus, the ability to see Florrie in action.

The Pear In Paper...


the affectionate name given to a rescued and restored treadle-based letterpress platen dating from 1872

The Pear in Paper Studio